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3 Questions to Plan Engaging Interactive Experiences

 We recently received a great question from a Project Leader. (Thanks Mike.)

How can I set up the most effective Huddle Up Project? 

He had recently read an earlier post we shared entitled Engagement is the key... an how to get it. In essence, there was some disconnect between that post and the ideas were were discussing.

The question was a great one because we were talking about related - but different - environments.  The earlier post referred to all online activities while our tips were specific to creating an engaging Huddle Up Challenge - the backbone of the Huddle Up Project. So, we decided to share a post to show the relationship between the lists. 

Helpful Tips

Below, we've shared some videos and examples to add more context. 

Care for some examples?

Lastly, it's always helpful to see a few examples of Challenges in the context of our three questions.

  1. To what degree will this challenge allow each learner to create a unique solution?
  2. Will learners benefit from seeing how others have solved this challenge?
  3. Will learners benefit from giving and receiving feedback?

Good examples. Unique solutions that naturally encourage learners to want to see others' responses.

  • Create and share a business plan.
  • How would you respond to this case study?
  • Create and share an original poem.

Poor examples foster answers that are all quite similar. Learners don't learn much from reviewing each others' work, nor would they be inclined to give feedback

  • List and describe the 6 key elements of a business plan.
  • What mistakes did you see in the case study we shared?
  • Pass this quiz to show you understand ________ .

Remember, creating an engaging, purposeful cohort experience is more art than science. There's no perfect answer, but keep striving to take it to the next level.  Your cohort will thank you for it!


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