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Is Huddle Up The Right Fit? Comparison Chart

We often have conversations from those looking to innovate learning. They want to learn more about Huddle Up to see if it's the right fit for their organization.

We summarized a few of the important differences to help outline the difference.

Take a look.

We'd love to hear from you.  Contact us to let us know what you think.

Is Huddle Up The Best Fit For You?

Below, we have provided a quick comparison. You can also learn more about how L&D innovators and educators are using Huddle Up to engage their teams in collaborative experiences.

What are your beliefs around organizational learning?

Huddle Up can do these… 

but it’s best suited for  → 

Fully Leverage The Huddle Up Model


Users complete tasks and demonstrate success by passing quizzes, summarizing, and completing comprehension exercises.


Learners apply knowledge and skills in creative ways that demonstrate success if solutions are deemed high quality by their peers and experts.


Questions are focused on identical or similar answers.


Questions are  likely solicit unique, creative answers from solutions



Minimal interaction or awareness of others.


Individuals in a cohort (team) make progress individually and transparently to move forward together within the team’s due dates




Collaborative experiences where users:

  • Create and share individual solutions

  • Share peer feedback (qualitative and quantitative)


  1. Review resources.

  2.  Demonstrate understanding. 

  3. (Later) Try to apply content and skills in a context

Learning and performance separated.


  1. Review resources. (Demonstrate understanding, if desired.)

  2. Try to solve a specific problem.

  3. Get Feedback. Review others’ solutions.

  4. Try to solve again.

Learning closely tied to performance


Project completion

  • Individual scores / data


Project completion:

  • Individual scores / data

  • Archived ideas, solutions, and feedback for all to see with associated feedback data


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