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Moving Online Learning Forward

Online learning - and our collective thoughts about it -  has evolved dramatically in the last year. Creating and sharing engaging content online has been a difficulty experienced everywhere. The content hasn't changed, but our difficulty in engaging with it in an effective way online has certainly posed its fair share of challenges.

"Good content is the first step. But the next step involves those conversations and interactions you have with others to illuminate the content and help you remember it.” - June Ahn, Ph.D

In the article Adapting to the (Not So) New Age of Computer Learning Kayt Sukel shares some of these difficulties and how to engage learning in a virtual environment. 

“Unfortunately, online instruction isn’t as simple as throwing a textbook online—and, in my opinion, online education platforms have focused too much on just putting content up online,” - June Ahn, Ph.D

Likewise, feedback is integral to an effective learning environment. In another excellent blog post, Danielle Leboff speaks to the critical, missing piece of insight - where learners share their own ideas and solutions... She writes:

"insight—and the feedback it generates—is essential in online learning environments for instructors to customize the learning experience, whether to tackle areas where students are struggling or to connect learning to real-world case studies."

At Huddle Up, we couldn't agree more! 

The past year taught us how difficult virtual learning can be. In many ways, it's helped us redefine to goals of online learning - moving past right and wrong answers and finding ways to connect and share solutions. That's our challenge at Huddle Up Learning.

We're on a mission to transform online learning and problem-solving for individuals and organizations through a more purposeful, interactive experience. If this resonates with you, see our model in action.

-Derek Luebbe, Founder/CEO 

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